UV Chocolate Cake

The other day one of our alchemists was browsing the vodka section at the local liquor store and found out that UV has a couple new flavors. Chocolate Cake and Whipped Cream. She decided to pick up the Chocolate Cake, and we tried it out this weekend.

Right. This one is tasty, but… It doesn’t quite capture a true chocolate cake flavor. The regular UV Cake is, well, more cakey. (It’s my website, I can make up words if I want to. :P) The chocolate cake tastes more like a chocolate tootsie pop. Which still isn’t bad. It’s smooth, and leaves a lingering chocolate aftertaste.

That said, we first tried mixing it with Cherry Pucker. Half and half as a shot. Now, this isn’t exactly as good as a Hi Ho Cherry (Half UV Red, Half Cherry Pucker). It’s nice, but not quite something you want to just shoot straight up. While it does invoke the flavors of a chocolate covered cherry, it seems like this one would be more appropriate in a martini glass. Chilled, with a few cherries dropped in. It’s kind of one you’d rather sip versus chug.

We also tried mixing the UV CC with vanilla and butterscotch schnapps . Did these as shots too. Half and half, though at one point there was a varied layering of all three together.

This one will definitely require more testing to see what really makes the chocolate cake flavor pop. Some things, like the butterscotch, are really overpowering and tend to take over other flavors. Personally, I’d like to find something that really brings the cake part out.

I’m sure we’ll get back to testing that one next weekend.