Being safe and having fun. Always a good thing.

One would think that creating a website designed to share alcoholic recipes and drunken stories with the world would be the signal for a quick trip to AA.

Well, it’s not.

This site is to promote the social aspect of alcohol. Drinking alone is not only boring, but it can lead to very depressing states of mind. Having one drink with dinner, ok, that’s fine. However, drinking to the point of stumbling drunk while alone… Yeah, pass on that, ok? It’s sad, and won’t do you any good.

This is why we drink with friends. We share the tingly goodness with people we care about, have some laughs, and hopefully end the night on a high note. The focus here isn’t the alcohol. It’s the friends. It’s the good times, the laughs, the cries, the people who depend on you, and the people who have your back.  While alcohol can make things a tad more interesting, just remember,  you can still have a blast without it. Drinking is fun, but not necessary.

Now then, we are all about having fun, but having fun while being responsible adults makes it better. Know the laws, know your limits, and know when to stop. These things are key to having a good time and not having to deal with messy lawsuits, hospital stays, and crap like that…

Afterall, you don’t hop on a rollercoaster and say go before you check to make sure the restraints buckle properly, do you? If you do, then I guess you probably can’t read this anyway. Your dumbass is probably dead.

So, to those of you who wish to experiment with us here at The Drunken Alchemist. Cheers! Keep on testing, and keep on living.