Laws of DA

Drunken Alchemy enjoys sharing recipes, fun stories, and randomness with everyone. While trying these drinks out and testing your own, DA would like to remind you to do it safely.

Alchemy Laws

  1. Safety First.
    • Know your limits – When testing, test in moderation. Don’t go overboard with trying new drinks in one session. One or two new drink mixtures is usually plenty to ensure you have a fun time. (Besides, if you mix too many, then you won’t be able to taste them properly and the results could get… not so fun.)
    • Know your surroundings – Know the environment and know who is around you. Make note of bathrooms, bouncers, house owners, etc.
  2. Obey the Law.
    • Please know and understand local alcohol and drinking laws. If you shouldn’t be drinking, then don’t. It might be fun to experiment, but just remember, you won’t be able to test properly in jail.
  3. Share! 
    • Don’t drink alone! Find some friends to test a new concoction, or just hang out with. Drunken Alchemy prefers a social atmosphere for experiments.
  4. Preparation is Key.
    • Prepare for testing. Set up your cups and shot glasses. One of the biggest things is to premix as much as you can. This helps when trying to pour several drinks at once. After a few, trying to figure out how much 1/3 of a shot looks like can get, well, a little hazy… Make sure you have some paper towels handy when things start to get messy.
    • Have a notepad handy. Write those recipes down so you can remember them later.
    • Remember to eat something before or while you are drinking. It’s best to have a good base before you test. Not eating and going straight to drinking might let you get buzzed faster, but it also gets you wasted faster. That means feeling sick earlier in your night, and hinders the testing process. Can’t quite mix drinks if you can’t stand or hold the bottles properly anymore, now can you?
  5. Don’t be a Derpstar!
    • Don’t be the “asshole” of the party.
    • Don’t drive drunk
    • Accept responsibility for your actions
  6. Have fun!
    • Duh! The whole point of Drunken Alchemy is to have fun and enjoy yourself.
  7. Don’t break the rules.
    • Seriously. Don’t break these rules. If you do, you suck.