Almond Joyfulness

So… I tried the Almond Joy mix using chocolate milk instead of chocolate liqueur.

Fuck yeah. I’d say this one gets a sneaky bastard stamp just cuz it’s chocolate milk. You can chug that down pretty fast…

Didn’t really do much in the way of actual measuring, but it was half alcohol (malibu and amaretto) and half chocolate milk in a tiny martini glass. Hey, I wanted to have a fancy drink. 😛

At any rate… Yum!


Slacking, Tequila Rose, and Almond Joys

Gah! It’s been a month without postings here. Bad Alchemists…

Right, so… Unfortunately there’s a reason we haven’t posted anything. We haven’t really done anything. No major experiments to share. Nothing super exciting. It’s not like we haven’t been having ideas and/or lack the motivation to do things. We just haven’t had the time for it. That sucks. Totally.

This weekend is a bit short on time as well. We can at least attempt some type of alchemy and post results, but who knows. What I do know is that I need to remember to post things here as I think of them. The random ideas during the week can be shared. That’s part of the Alchemy process. Think of creative uses for alcohol, share it, improve upon it with the help of friends.

So, friends, backing up a few days, I had a random craving for Tequila Rose. I really do enjoy that one. Creamy. Strawberry. Smooth and won’t get you royally fucked up. It’s a happy buzz type of drink. Now, the company also has a chocolate, java, and cinnamon flavor. Sadly, I can’t find any of them locally. :( They all sound awesome, and I wish I could get a bottle of each to try out.

However, upon visiting the website, it brought up a good point. Always check the company website for recipes. They know their product, and they will have examples. These are things you may or may not have already thought of trying, but it’s always helpful to get some idea of what to try next. (Although, personally, I think I’ll pass on the Tequila Rose + Jagermeister combo. Ick.)

Oh, by the way, I lied about the experiments. (Hey, it’s my website, I can do that if I want. :P) Eldritch did make her own version of an Almond Joy. Chocolate liqueur, Amaretto (Dekyper’s), and Malibu rum. It was half Chocolate + Amaretto and half Malibu in a shot. Granted, we only did one shot each as a tester, but it wasn’t bad. I’m thinking this could actually be pretty tasty using chocolate milk instead of the chocolate liqueur. That way you could have a big drink versus a shot.



Going to attempt some odd jigglers tonight. Really want to try a UV Lemonade, but I don’t have any lemonade. :(

However, I will post results after they are made. Got a few things I need to test out.

Also, might work on some alchemy related projects involving chainmaille. (Go on, be confused. 😛 )


Warning: Attempting to change some minor things on the site. Hoping things don’t get all messed up.

If they do… Sorry. I’ll try to fix it fast!

EDIT: Added a Contact Us page. Link up at the top menu. Simple form for people to send us comments and suggestions. :)

Thank You Sutherland!

A big hearty Thank You goes out to the Sutherland crew for all the fun last night. 😀 We had a blast!

So, recap. We decided on bringing Skittles Jigglers and a big bottle of Fried Ice Cream to the party last night. I know we still don’t have a how to article on, well, how to make the jigglers, but we’ll get around to it eventually. For now, pretty rainbow.

This rainbow will fuck you up!

Those are indeed Skittles flavors. Grape, Strawberry, Orange, Lemon, and Lime. The purple color didn’t come through as well as we would have liked, and might have to be assisted next time with some food coloring. Overall, very tasty. Well, if you go from left to right… The lemon and lime are fucking harsh! Those flavors just do not get tamed down, and the vodka just makes them burn even more. Rough stuff, but guaranteed to fuck you up.

The Fried Ice Cream went over really well too. Like I said, I made a big bottle worth. I like it, but I do have quite a bit of alcohol at my house anyway. I was worried that I’d end up with a huge batch of something that would take me forever to actually get through. No worries. Left with an empty bottle! Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy to think that people enjoyed a creation of mine. (That’s happy warm and fuzzy, not alcohol warm and fuzzy. Though, it’s strong stuff and will get you a buzz fast. Good shit.)

I think the best part of these things are the reactions they got. For one, the presentation definitely draws attention. We set up and suddenly had a crowd around the table. They are pretty, and the mention of shots travels fast at a party. My favorite part is watching people try our creations. This is something we hope to capture once we start making videos for the site. Not only our reactions to trying new experiments, but the reactions of others when they get to sample them. The jigglers do cause quite a “Holy mother of fuck” look on someone’s face once the vodka hits them. They are strong. That’s due to the pure alcohol in them. These aren’t your normal jello shots where you do half water and half alcohol. These are fuck you sideways pure.

So, jigglers were a hit. It was fun to see people try one, almost go into shock because of the vodka punch in the mouth, and then come back later with a friend insisting they try one too. :) This is one of the goals of The Drunken Alchemist. We’re here to have fun, and to share the fun. It’s not about getting wasted. It’s about trying something new and unique, and enjoying yourself while doing so. We like to focus on the social aspect of alcohol. And hey, if you’ve ever been to a good party, you’ll notice that the weirder the drink, the more people dare each other to try it. Weird is good.

We’ll definitely have to experiment with the Skittles a bit more. Skittles infused Vodka is not an Alchemist creation. (The jiggler state is definitely the idea of Eldritch. She is becoming quite the gelatin master. Her kitchen alchemy wins!) We found the Skittles recipe online somewhere after thinking about doing it. One of those, I wonder how we could do that… Oh, someone already tried. Cool. Our goal, however, is to figure out how to make all the flavors tolerable. We need to figure out something to mix with the lemon and lime to cut the harshness, but still allow the Skittles flavor to come through.

We also have ideas for other various candy types to try. We’ll keep you posted on those experiments…

Overall, last night was a bit of a surprise for us. We were thrilled at how much attention our drinks got, and how much interest people showed. We just brought some fun things to share at the party, and totally weren’t trying to charge. The fact that people were willing to pay for the shots amazed us. So thank you for the donations! We’re glad we could entertain you. We’re also glad we were able to donate right back to our wonderful hosts, the Sutherland crew. They are fantastic people, and deserve massive credit for putting together such a great event at their home. [insert applause here]

Ok, so I know that there really isn’t a lot here, and I apologize. We’re generally too busy with our real crappy ass jobs, and don’t have a lot of time to be posting everything we make. We’re trying to fix that by designating some time on the weekends to the Alchemist. The party provided a good amount of motivation to get working on this. We have a lot of things planned. (More recipes, blogs, videos, and eventually a site that looks way better…) But hey, last night proved that we have the beginnings of something really good. It’s fun, and it makes people smile.

Hurray for Drunken Alchemy! Oh, if you have a Twitter account, go follow us there @drunkenalchemy.


P.S. To the guy who tried getting me to do karaoke… I’ve had Voodoo in my head all day. 😛 Also, to the beautiful woman who requested that I shake my ass for her? Ego boosted. Thanks. 😀

Fried Ice Cream

This week I bought two tiny martini glasses. Thought they were fun. First drink to go in it was Sundaes. They hold about a tall shot worth, and end up as rather pretty Sundae holders.

Now, Alchemy moment of the weekend… The thought struck me to add some RumChata to the Sundae.

Holy fucking awesome. It’s fried ice cream. Now that definitely works as a sipping drink or a shot. Super tasty!

Didn’t exactly do proper measurements, but it turned out about half RumChata and half Sundae in my taste test. But hey, go try it. I know I’ll be needing some more RumChata in my near future.

Additional: In making up a big bottle of this, the measurements are about equal.

  • One part Vanilla Schnapps
  • One part E&J Cask and Cream Liqueur
  • One part(ish) RumChata

The RumChata could be a tiny bit less. Adjust to taste really.

Strawberry Banana goodness

So… Eldritch made the strawberry banana jiggler things. They were fantastic! These soooooo get a sneaky bastard stamp though. They definitely taste closer to normal jello than a shot. (So good that we polished off a few and had a mini dance party before doing anything else. Heh.)

She managed to get pictures of the process and will be writing up the how to article soon.

I might be trying my own gelatin experiments this week. We’ll see how it goes.

Sundae Craving

All week I’ve had a Sundae craving. Not normal ice cream, but TDA’s version. :)

Once again, it’s half cream liqueur and half vanilla schnapps. Done tequila shot style by replacing the salt with chocolate sauce and the lime with whipped cream and a cherry. (I highly recommend body shot style for this one. It’s fun!) Very sweet shot, but definitely a good dessert after a rough day.

It’s been a long week. Work was meh, and last night I was so tired that I didn’t even bother mixing up the Sundaes. This is one that you definitely want to premix.

Drinking when tired just, well, makes you more tired. So the two shots of butterscotch schnapps I had last night was enough for me. Today, however, I got to sleep in.

What does that mean?

Spaghetti is being made and Sundaes are premixed. 😀 Gotta have a good food base before drinking. Alchemy rules.


Two weeks ago we had the amazing fortune of trying out Grasshopper jello jigglers. One of our alchemists, Eldritch, is fantastic about combining gelatin with alcohol. (And yes, I’ve apologized for the slacking before… Should’ve posted this when we first had them, but we were, well, busy drinking. :P)

The Grasshoppers fucking win. Just fucking win.

Now, she’ll be working on a new batch of Strawberry Banana ones, and will be taking pictures for a step by step instruction/how-to/this shit is awesome post.

Until then, I can reiterate that these things are amazing. She combined the Grasshopper drink with plain flavorless gelatin. The result is a jello jiggler style pure alcohol shot. I say pure because there is no water involved in these. Normal jello shots are still half and half. When making standard jello shots the cold water part in the recipe is replaced by alcohol. (And just like any alcohol you drink, or in this case eat, make sure you also have some water in your night to keep you hydrated and prevent hangovers. Cuz yes, you can catch a buzz off these.)

What do they look like? Well, she let them set up in a mini muffin pan. So they ended up looking like this:

What do they taste like? Well, Grasshopper. The mint flavor is definitely there. It’s yummy. Now… Here comes the strange part. They were creamy. Yes, creamy. It totally fucks with your brain. Honestly, your brain is saying “Yay, jello! Wait… What is this? This isn’t jello… You lied! But there’s alcohol… It’s ok now!”

I mean, really, you have certain expectations of gelatin. It jiggles. It’s fruity. It’s smooth. But creamy? Not a word you’d ever use to describe gelatin. And minty? No fucking way. But that’s what these are. Creamy minty jello shots.

Fucking. Awesome.

What’s a Grasshopper?

1 Part Crème de menthe
1 Part Crème de cacao
1 Part Fresh Cream

Shake with ice, strain into glass. Enjoy.

Apologies from Slackerville

Ok, so we’ve really been slacking lately… Sorry ’bout that.

We are hoping to do some new experiments this week, and also thinking about finally doing a little video for the site. It’ll mainly be a “about us” kind of video with some randomness tossed in.

Another thing on the to do list this week is picking a movie to watch and coming up with a new silly drinking game. We’ll post the results.

…really. We’ll post it. Er… something at least.