
Two weeks ago we had the amazing fortune of trying out Grasshopper jello jigglers. One of our alchemists, Eldritch, is fantastic about combining gelatin with alcohol. (And yes, I’ve apologized for the slacking before… Should’ve posted this when we first had them, but we were, well, busy drinking. :P)

The Grasshoppers fucking win. Just fucking win.

Now, she’ll be working on a new batch of Strawberry Banana ones, and will be taking pictures for a step by step instruction/how-to/this shit is awesome post.

Until then, I can reiterate that these things are amazing. She combined the Grasshopper drink with plain flavorless gelatin. The result is a jello jiggler style pure alcohol shot. I say pure because there is no water involved in these. Normal jello shots are still half and half. When making standard jello shots the cold water part in the recipe is replaced by alcohol. (And just like any alcohol you drink, or in this case eat, make sure you also have some water in your night to keep you hydrated and prevent hangovers. Cuz yes, you can catch a buzz off these.)

What do they look like? Well, she let them set up in a mini muffin pan. So they ended up looking like this:

What do they taste like? Well, Grasshopper. The mint flavor is definitely there. It’s yummy. Now… Here comes the strange part. They were creamy. Yes, creamy. It totally fucks with your brain. Honestly, your brain is saying “Yay, jello! Wait… What is this? This isn’t jello… You lied! But there’s alcohol… It’s ok now!”

I mean, really, you have certain expectations of gelatin. It jiggles. It’s fruity. It’s smooth. But creamy? Not a word you’d ever use to describe gelatin. And minty? No fucking way. But that’s what these are. Creamy minty jello shots.

Fucking. Awesome.

What’s a Grasshopper?

1 Part Crème de menthe
1 Part Crème de cacao
1 Part Fresh Cream

Shake with ice, strain into glass. Enjoy.