Slacking, Tequila Rose, and Almond Joys

Gah! It’s been a month without postings here. Bad Alchemists…

Right, so… Unfortunately there’s a reason we haven’t posted anything. We haven’t really done anything. No major experiments to share. Nothing super exciting. It’s not like we haven’t been having ideas and/or lack the motivation to do things. We just haven’t had the time for it. That sucks. Totally.

This weekend is a bit short on time as well. We can at least attempt some type of alchemy and post results, but who knows. What I do know is that I need to remember to post things here as I think of them. The random ideas during the week can be shared. That’s part of the Alchemy process. Think of creative uses for alcohol, share it, improve upon it with the help of friends.

So, friends, backing up a few days, I had a random craving for Tequila Rose. I really do enjoy that one. Creamy. Strawberry. Smooth and won’t get you royally fucked up. It’s a happy buzz type of drink. Now, the company also has a chocolate, java, and cinnamon flavor. Sadly, I can’t find any of them locally. :( They all sound awesome, and I wish I could get a bottle of each to try out.

However, upon visiting the website, it brought up a good point. Always check the company website for recipes. They know their product, and they will have examples. These are things you may or may not have already thought of trying, but it’s always helpful to get some idea of what to try next. (Although, personally, I think I’ll pass on the Tequila Rose + Jagermeister combo. Ick.)

Oh, by the way, I lied about the experiments. (Hey, it’s my website, I can do that if I want. :P) Eldritch did make her own version of an Almond Joy. Chocolate liqueur, Amaretto (Dekyper’s), and Malibu rum. It was half Chocolate + Amaretto and half Malibu in a shot. Granted, we only did one shot each as a tester, but it wasn’t bad. I’m thinking this could actually be pretty tasty using chocolate milk instead of the chocolate liqueur. That way you could have a big drink versus a shot.
