Fried Ice Cream

This week I bought two tiny martini glasses. Thought they were fun. First drink to go in it was Sundaes. They hold about a tall shot worth, and end up as rather pretty Sundae holders.

Now, Alchemy moment of the weekend… The thought struck me to add some RumChata to the Sundae.

Holy fucking awesome. It’s fried ice cream. Now that definitely works as a sipping drink or a shot. Super tasty!

Didn’t exactly do proper measurements, but it turned out about half RumChata and half Sundae in my taste test. But hey, go try it. I know I’ll be needing some more RumChata in my near future.

Additional: In making up a big bottle of this, the measurements are about equal.

  • One part Vanilla Schnapps
  • One part E&J Cask and Cream Liqueur
  • One part(ish) RumChata

The RumChata could be a tiny bit less. Adjust to taste really.