Drinking and dri…dead.

Ok, with a recent conversation popping up in World of Warcraft of all places… I feel the need to post.

There was some kid who was whining about not being able to drive for a year. Apparently he had gotten caught drinking and driving, and his license was suspended. (Hurray, one less idiot on the road!)

However, the moron was actually trying to defend that drinking and driving was ok. Really? Are you that stupid? The answer is hell yes. He went on to say, “It wasn’t that bad. Not like I crashed or anything.” Oh, good for you. I bet they caught your ass not too far from the bar you just left anyway. And then there was his debate over the legal limit and how he was just barely over it, therefore not drunk. Bullshit dude. You don’t have to be drunk to be effected.

So, thankfully there were a few people yelling at him so I didn’t have to waste my time. However, another jackass decided to give the kid a “pro tip” and told him “if you are going to drink and drive, drive home at 7-8pm instead of 2am.” Yeah, great tip. Let’s send his drunk ass out on the road when there are MORE PEOPLE to possibly kill. Great idea! Let’s see, where do you live? Can he drive to your house? Take out two fucktards at once?


Now, I personally have never driven drunk. Course, I don’t drive anyway, but even if I did, people make me nervous on the road. I would have no desire to try driving when my own skills are hindered. Sadly, I have seen others do it. It’s scary. It’s stupid. And cabs should have been called. Thankfully everyone got home ok, but not everyone is lucky during that drive home. Everyday tons of people are injured and killed by the stupidity of drunk drivers. Don’t be one of them.

Seriously people. Drinking to have a good time is one thing. You fall down drunk, you only hurt yourself. Please keep it that way. Don’t get behind the wheel of your car after drinking. Just because you think you’re ok, doesn’t mean your car doesn’t become a weapon and a danger to those around you.

We here at The Drunken Alchemist want you to drink responsibly, but remember, that responsibility leaves the bar with you. Stay safe, don’t be stupid.