Episode 3 – The Grape One

Episode Three is up! We experimented with UV Grape and Grape Pucker. Why? Because we like grape and we wanted to see if it would be as good of a combo as the cherry.


We tried them together, and with some mixers. Check it out!

(Listen closely for the moment the booze kicks in.)

By the way, we still don’t have a name for the Grape version of Hi Ho Cherry. If you have any ideas, let us know on Twitter @drunkenalchemy!

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Drunken Alchemy lives agaaaaaiiinnn!

Huzzah! Drunken Alchemy has been resurrected!

We had a bad year in 2015, but we’re back in action. /cheers


PODCAST! Yup. We finally started up the podcast. We only have a few episodes up so far, but please check them out and let us know what you think!

Now, we know the production quality isn’t that great. Honestly, we recorded this in my (Rabid’s) basement. We are hoping to improve the sound, and focus, over the course of recording each episode. We just kind of jumped into it. So far, we’re having fun and we hope that you do too.