Eldritch Muses on Self Medication with Alcohol

It’s a freaking miracle! I’m finally posting on our site. Sorry for the delay. I promise I’ll try to do this more often. There…apologies accepted? Good.

I know people say drinking alone is bad. Hell, we’ve said it ourselves, but I think it’s a bit too much of a generalization. There are exceptions to every “rule” as it were. I have had some singularly stressful days at work that have had me ranting and raging about people and their stupid shit…(sigh) It’s too easy to get worked up sometimes. Needless to say, days like those are bad for my mental health and general well being which is why coming home to a couple shots of strong liquor goes a long way to improving my mood. Something that gives a quick, high quality buzz while also being delicious is just the medicine I need sometimes. This is not necessarily true of everyone. Plenty of people should absolutely NOT drink while angry. Others, like myself, should not drink while upset – THAT is the wrong type of drinking alone because it just exacerbates the situation.

I guess what I’m trying to say is know what kind of drinker you are before you get started. If you know it’ll send you down a bad path, don’t do it. Find another outlet. Remember, we like to keep drinking fun and/or relaxing. However, if it’s going to make your situation better, go nuts!

…responsibly I mean. Otherwise you earn derp stars.


Drunken Alchemy lives agaaaaaiiinnn!

Huzzah! Drunken Alchemy has been resurrected!

We had a bad year in 2015, but we’re back in action. /cheers


PODCAST! Yup. We finally started up the podcast. We only have a few episodes up so far, but please check them out and let us know what you think!

Now, we know the production quality isn’t that great. Honestly, we recorded this in my (Rabid’s) basement. We are hoping to improve the sound, and focus, over the course of recording each episode. We just kind of jumped into it. So far, we’re having fun and we hope that you do too.