A year later…

So yeah… We haven’t posted here in a year. Holy fuck…

Granted, 2015 was a hard year. We weren’t able to do a lot things, including figuring out content for Drunken Alchemy.

We’re going to try something this weekend, and we will let you know how things go.


Good Bird Doggy

Recently Eldritch received a bottle of Bird Dog‘s Blackberry Whiskey. Now, we haven’t tried a whole lot of whiskeys. There have been a couple here and there. I know I’ve had some sort of maple one before that was really good, but I can’t remember the name of it.

Anyway, Bird Dog is a good doggy. Definitely a nice one. The blackberry flavor comes through well. Also, Eldritch now believes that Blackberry Pepsi should be a thing. It does go well together.

So yeah, go try it. I’m definitely intrigued by the other flavors that they have, especially the chocolate.

Local Goodness – A Minhas Experience

Last week, Eldritch and I went to the Minhas Distillery. Fun times. We got kinda trashed…

Now, I’ve gone on their brewery tour before. Did that last year. It was fun. You get a tour of the facility and an educational history of the company and beer making. Not only that, but you get a complimentary glass and get to sample some of their beers. I’m not talking little shot glass testers either. They will fill up your damn glass. Sampling happens before and after the tour. Also, you get to take home some more beer! They give you a variety of four beers, plus a soda, and leave a space for your glass in a convenient six pack carrier. (At least that’s what I got when I went. I’m sure it varies with whatever they have in stock at the time.)

Now, all of this is $10. The tour, the samples, the extra beer to take home. Everything. $10. Damn good value if you really like beer. Personally, I’m kinda meh about beer. It’s ok once in a while, but I still prefer hard liquor.

That’s why we went to the Distillery last week. During that Brewery tour, I found out that they had opened a distillery too. It was still relatively new, and had I known about it prior to going there, I would have voted Distillery first. Oh well. C’est la booze.

Ok, so, Distillery tour. Right, it’s not much of a “tour” as a “sit at the bar and try some drinks” kind of thing. Same price though. For $10 you get to sample four mixed drinks and have two extra shots of your choice. (We got three extra. The lady was nice and let us try a tiny bit of gin. Yeah, we still don’t like gin… Tasted like a Christmas tree.) While the glass is much smaller than the one I got for the beer, it’s still a decent size. Good couple of ounces. It would make for a giant shot.

Also, if you just want to stop in and check out some of their booze without the education part, you can try the sample run for $6. You get to try 5 or 6 shots of your choice.

Now, the only problem with this non-tour was that we hadn’t eaten anything beforehand. (I know, I know, Alchemy laws weren’t followed. Oopsy.) Yeah, we were kinda buzzing after two drinks. Kinda sad, but also, woo!

Out of all the drinks (which included various boozy things like moonshine, spiced rum, and tequila.) I enjoyed the simple rum and cola mix. It was always a big hit for me back in college, and spiced rums are always good.

I did also really enjoy the Irish Cream that they had. It’s got a chocolate caramel taste to it. Super yummy.

Oh, and yes, we got a bottle to take home. It was a mojito mix. Bright green. Kinda looked like they bottled up Slimer. I haven’t tried it yet, but I’ll let you all know how it goes. Also, Eldritch grabbed their ten times distilled vodka. I’ll poke her to do a review of that. (I’ll also poke her to bring that over so I can try it too.)

Should you happen to be in southern Wisconsin, go check them out: Minhas Brewery and Minhas Distillery.

Also, should you happen to get kinda trashed like we did, there are plenty of pubs and restaurants within walking distance. We ended up at a place called Pancho and Lefty’s. Now, first off, how could you not love a place called Pancho and Lefty’s. It’s a tiny bar.

Second… Chili cheese fry burrito. Yes. They have it. It’s huge. It’s full of booze soaking goodness. Delicious. Definitely helped to sober us up for the ride back home. (Now that’s one rule we will not break. Don’t drink and drive. Ever.)

I’m sure this review could have been a bit more official like. It might have if I had written it the day or two after we went and remembered more details. As it is, it’s full of rambly bits. Oh well. It happens. A lot.

– Rabid aka the master of rambles

Boozy Apples and Such

Ok, so UV has a new flavor. If you’ve even remotely read the posts here, or hung out with us, you’ll know how much we love UV. They have a lot of variety in flavors. Also, yay vodka.

The new one is Salty Caramel Apple. A flavor that came out right in time for the holidays. Fun, right?

Well… Sadly, this one was a bit disappointing. The apple flavor is there. Salty, yes. Caramel? Um… Not so strong. It’s more like a tiny lingering after taste.

Eldritch and I really wanted this one to be good. If the caramel was stronger, I think it would be pretty tasty. That’s not to say that it tastes bad. Oh no. It’s smooth and not insanely sweet like the Sugar Crush. It’s just… It’s not as great as we hoped it would be.

That said, we will still be testing it out for other things. Eldritch has a feeling it will be used mainly for pies and such. (It could make a fantastic boozy apple pie… Yum.) Personally, I want to try doing those apple slice jello shots with it. We’ll see how that goes…

In gaming related news… A while back I had posted about Wildstar. I’m still playing that. The whole Drunken Alchemy guild? Well… I did kinda let that fade once I joined the Galaxy Questers. It’s a great guild created by the guys over at Table Titans. While it seems like several people have taken a break from the game, I’m still highly active. On the off chance that anyone reads this, and actually plays Wildstar (Entity server)… Give Kaeva Unari or Kenzi Ysabeau a /wave.

Vamp drinks

We have a new drink to experiment with courtesy of some bartender vamps.

If this is confusing, then you’re either drunk already or you haven’t paid attention to the fact that we are gamers.

Drunken Alchemy spawned from gaming. Vampire the Masquerade in fact. I had a campaign going for a bit before Eldritch joined. She was hooked instantly. While others dropped (or were kicked out due to nonsense/drama), we have both soldiered on. The campaign has been running for over four years now.

Over time, this campaign has grown. Drastically. I have over 200 characters, all with fleshed out backgrounds. They are all mostly there for her characters to interact with, but they all have unique and fascinating stories of their own.

But I’m not here to discuss them. I’m talking about the drinks.

A lot of drinks were inspired by our vamps. Hi Ho Cherry? You can thank Cass for that. She likes board games. They’re pretty. Sundaes? Oh yeah. Vamp inspired body shots. Thank you guys.

The recent addition to the list of things to try comes from a bartender off. A what? Heh. There were two characters, both bartenders, that ended up challenging each other to see who would be voted best bartender. During this challenge, each character had to make a drink that was sweet. Other categories included fruity, strong, and a mixed/layered mystery drink.

Now, one made a Salted Caramel drink. The other made a Chocolate Fudge Silk. In the end, one of the “judges” decided to mix them.

And now we must figure out the Salted Caramel Chocolate Fudge drink. 😀

Our first experiment was half assed. We used caramel vodka and UV Cake. (Measurements are unknown… If it was a full shot of each, I’d be surprised.) Both vodkas were put into chocolate milk, with some salt thrown in.

It was good.

Damn good.

Not perfect though… It still needs work. However, for a late night experiment, it was not the worst we’ve ever had.

On that note, we do have someone who actually wants to try a Ghosty Berry. (Wtf? I know, right?) We’ll have to get some nice big strawberries soaking soon, so he can try one. We’ll let you know how that goes… 😛

Party stuff!

First off, I would like to thank the Sutherland crew. They have always been welcoming, and highly encouraging of our boozy things. It’s fun to bring stuff and share new things with people. (Especially when we get to see reactions to things like the Skittles shots. People don’t understand that we don’t fuck around with those. It’s all vodka.)

This is the idea of Drunken Alchemy. Not really to get wasted, but to have fun.

Overall, it went decently well. We put in a lot more effort this year. We made a sign and had a menu. Things were baked, mixed, poured, and tested. We brought several more items this time around too.

So, to everyone who tried our shots and such… Thank you. We hope you enjoyed them. Special thanks to VB and her friends. Smiling faces and enthusiasm like that was highly appreciated and made our night. It was a pleasure to meet you.

Now for the boozy bits…

We brought one of our favorites, Hi Ho Cherry, as well as Peachy Keen in test tube shots. Those went over amazingly well. We were down to one Cherry tube within probably fifteen minutes. Kinda crazy. We already feel like next year we will fill way more of those as they were definitely a hit. (Btw, if you were wondering, Peachy Keen is 50/50 UV Peach and Peach Schnapps. Great as a shot or a martini.)

As with every year, the Skittles vodka jello shots were almost cleared out. Red seems to be a popular color, as that one “sold out” first too. Lemon/Yellow is always the last to go. (I don’t blame ya. Those are harsh…) We are still saddened by Skittles replacing the lime flavor with apple, but meh. Still works. People seemed to like them.

Also, this year we finally got to demonstrate the Sundae Body Shots. (Yay!) If you were at the party a couple of years ago, you might remember the Fried Ice Cream shots that I whipped up. I brought a huge bottle, and it was empty by the time we left. Sundaes consist of Vanilla Schnapps, and Cream Liqueur. (We prefer the Cask & Cream brand.) Fried Ice Cream just adds Rumchata to the mix. Both are tasty, but Sundaes are more fun. Not only do you have the shot, but there is chocolate sauce, whipped cream, a cherry, and sprinkles involved. It makes for a super messy but fun body shot.

We were slightly disappointed with the lack of interest in the body shots though. We had to demonstrate twice, but only because a few more people trickled over to our “bar”. That was kinda lame. However, thank you to both pairs who decided to participate in the fun. You four rule!

Now, I guess we were expecting too much from it. We had actually planned on doing a body shot relay race, but we got there a bit late. Plus, due to the lack of interest in a lot of our things, we just decided to save it for some other time. (There were prizes people. You could have won stuff.)

Actually, we had a sort of raffle-ish thing too. It was stated on our menu board, which no one seemed to read, that if you took a business card and it had a star on the back that you could win a prize. Not many people took cards. No one claimed a prize. All prizes were barware related, so… Ya’ll missed out. Sucks for you.

Eldritch also baked Strawberry Daiquiri Cupcakes and Almond Joy Pies for the party. Now, let me just say this… She is very disappointed by the lack of interest in them. She put in a LOT of work to make those, and barely anyone tried them. THEY HAD BOOZE IN THEM! Seriously people. What the fuck is wrong with you? Why would you not want a boozy cupcake? Even the frosting had booze in it. /sigh

We will definitely be slimming down the “menu” for next year. Eldritch felt like she wasted a lot of time on those baked goods. Good job people. You made her sad.

<Time for mini rant mode…>

So far a lot of people haven’t posted pictures from the party. That’s fine. Eventually people will get around to it. We didn’t even get to take any pictures of our own as we were “bartending”. What has bugged me though, is the fact that pictures I’ve seen relating to us only really focus on Eldritch…

This is a team. There are two of us. We had a sign promoting our website. People seemed to miss what we are trying to do. Leaving out credit to us both really sucks. Kinda makes me feel like the Ryan Lewis of this ship. I run the website. I post things here. Ignoring that part of Drunken Alchemy is like not trying out the cupcakes. I feel snubbed, and like my efforts were wasted. That sucks. Good job people. You made Rabid mad.

Again, I know that not many people have posted pictures from the party yet. This mini rant is based on those I’ve seen as of now. If you do happen to have pictures that include us, please add a link to the site if you post it. If you don’t credit us, then you suck and you’re just a creeper.

</end rant>

Annoyances and disappointments aside… We did have plenty of fun at the party. We hope to be able to keep doing this for future parties and get togethers. Your support and donations are appreciated. Thank you.

We have plans for various projects, and hope to get those in the works soon.

As another reminder, please look us up on Twitter.

@drunkenalchemy – Official

@Rabidbushbaby – Rabid

@EldritchAlchemy – Eldritch



La la la Bloggy Stuff

I would normally post something like this on my personal blog, but since it’s been over a month here, I thought I’d show DA some love.

I had some time off from work, which was awesome. Very nice to be away from the standard daily bullshit. However, today was the first day back. Bleh.

Last night, I started to feel the dread. The kind that starts to sap your soul, and drag you down into a horrible mood of doom and gloom. It sucks to have a job that you have to convince yourself to go to. It pays the bills. DA does not.

That is the biggest reason why we don’t post here as often as we should. Work schedules hinder time to do experiments, take pictures, and write up randomness for here.

It makes us sad alchemists. :(

In less depressing news, and what saved my day today… New music!

Last night, in an effort to counter the blah mood, I bought a bunch of new stuff. Well, new to my collection. There were some older albums in the mix, but all of it was still good. Music keeps me going at work. (And anywhere else.) Granted, I only get about 2 hours and a break worth of it at work, but hey, it’s needed. Having my own music playing means that I’m less likely to punch stupid people. (No jail time for me today!)

Fun things that I got, and that you should get too:

How is this ramble even related to DA? Well, do you like going to quiet parties and clubs? No. You don’t. If you do, seriously, leave now. You’re boring. Fuck off.

Music is a key thing at bars and clubs. You have to get the right atmosphere happening. Whether it’s low ‘just chillin’ here’ key or high ‘in your fucking face’ energy, it keeps the mood going. People tend to have more fun if there is a good song on.

On that note, I usually request Baby Got Back when I’m out at bars or clubs. I once got the entire bar at Milwaukee’s 42 Lounge to sing along to the entire song. It was awesome. (Did I mention that it was a Mad Scientist party too? Woo!!)

And now for something boozy… (Since I just remembered that I have some booze news to talk about.)

A couple of weeks ago, a minion brought over some tribute. He brought us a big (I mean BIG) bottle of Cherry Doctor, as well as something we had never tried before. It’s called Sweet Revenge.

This stuff is pretty damn tasty. It looks innocent enough in the little bottle. All pretty and pink. However, this stuff gets a sneaky bastard stamp. It ranks up there with regular vodka for strength. So be careful… Sweet, a little tart, and comes with a punch to the face.

If I try out any of the recipes on the Sweet Revenge website, I’ll try to let you know how they turned out. (Sweet Affair looks rather yummy…)

Oh, and I should mention… Eldritch has a Twitter account now!

Follow us @drunkenalchemy, @rabidbushbaby, and the new and shiny @eldritchalchem!

– Rabid


Oranges and Ghosty Berries

Huzzah! I kept a promise!

Ok, so the jar of oranges that had been sitting in my fridge soaking in UV Peach?


We ate them pretty fast last night. They were delicious! Little mandarin oranges are perfect for drinks, or just alcohol infused munchies. They soak up booze really well, and hold the flavor too. I’ll have to try soaking cranberries in UV Peach too… Then I can combine the two for a Sex on the Beach fruit salad. Fucking yum. (Or… Oranges in Peach Schnapps, Cranberries in straight vodka? Yeah. I’m totally doing that…)

Now, alcohol infused fruit is pretty much for the taste. It’s fun to have fruit that makes your mouth a little tingly, and has a tiny kick to it. They go great in punch. Usually though, they aren’t destined to kick your ass and get you wasted. The oranges are more of an appetizer.

Which brings me to the strawberries… (of DOOM!)

Eldritch had made a pie a while back including strawberries. At one point, she put some Bacardi 151 in a container with strawberries. She wanted a really kick your ass kind of pie… The pie itself was tasty. Now, she said the strawberries weren’t bad the first week she put them in there. Obviously, they had a punch. 151 does not fuck around.

The downside?

The leftover strawberries were left in the 151 for about the same amount of time as the oranges. A few weeks.

Let me tell you what happened…

The strawberries died.

They were resurrected.

They mutated, died again, and have now come to haunt your dreams.

I am not kidding. Those fucking strawberries were OMGWTFHARSHITBURNSOMGITSFULLOFEVILEYOHOEWSewyoledh!!!1!!

Fucking yikes.

I highly do not recommend doing this. Those things are brutal, and the 151 turns the strawberries into some sort of evil incarnate.

On the plus side, Eldritch confirmed something that we’d seen at the local grocery store. We had seen moonshine in cute little jars on the shelf before. The ones with strawberries in it looked really weird. The strawberries were white.

As it turns out, strawberries really do lose their color if you let them sit in harsh stuff like that. Good to know. Worse to eat…

Guilds and Oranges

Evening folks. Er… Folk. Dude?


Ok, so one of the biggest things we like to focus on here at Drunken Alchemy is the social side of drinking. And what’s more social?

Drinking and gaming!

As a reminder warning, there will be more gaming talk around here. Wildstar awesomeness is pending. (Open Beta is still up until Sunday if you haven’t tried it out…) Once that hits officially, I’ll be setting up a guild. Server has yet to be determined, but I’ll definitely post about it once things are up and running.

Now, DA was founded by gaming. Not sure how many times I’ll mention that, but hey, it’s important so get used to hearing me say it…. This is why I’m trying to get more gaming oriented posts here.

Gaming does good things. It brings people together. Granted, a lot of games are online nowadays, so you don’t officially get together in a physical sense, but there is still chat/voice chat involved. If you can get the right group of people together, you can still have a blast online while you sit at home alone. Plus, playing online means clothing is optional! Er… Hmm. Was that too revealing?


Right. Drinks. Games… Stuff that’s not embarrassing…

Ok. I’ll try to get a better list of games that we enjoy somewhere on the site. For one, content. We’re lacking it. For two, we’d like to expand the Drunken Alchemy community. Course, to meet some kind of social standard/requirement… We’re going to need more than just myself and Eldritch.

So… If you are a gamer, please comment with whatever current games you are playing. If we can join you in a drunken dungeon run or discuss the perils that drunken dice rolling have on your characters… Well, we’d love to! Hell, even if there isn’t drinking involved, gaming stories can be entertaining!

If there is enough of a draw, maybe I’ll add some forums to the site. Until then… /cheers

Aurins drink fancy like! /pinky

P.S. I’ve had oranges soaking in UV Peach for… 3? 4 weeks? They must be had this weekend! And I’ll try to post a note about how kickass they are. /halfpromise /mostlypromise
